The Fight Against Drugs was started in 1997 in Sweden by Thord Jansson.
This video will introduce you to our program for pupils in year 6:
Drogkampen or The Drug-fight, as The WHO calls the project, has been evaluated through The WHO in the program Healthy Cities 1999-2000:
"The Drug-fight is of special interest as the project has activated several actors in the local community
to be part in the preventive work".
(Annual Report from the County Council of Stockholm, August 2000.)
EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction)
in Lisbon is co-operating with The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) in Sweden.
The co-operation concerns for instance drugs in the EU.
At EMCDDA there is a database called EDDRA (European Exchange on Drug Demand Reduction Action)
with evaluated high-quality projects.
Their theory and practice are supposed to be interesting for others.
Here you can read about The Fight Against Drugs, as EDDRA calls the project:
The four conditions of life
In this way we present “the four conditions of life” to our pupils. Everybody shall discuss them with their parents and schoolmates. After that they write their thoughts.
1. Me
You probably know, that drugs can harm your body – both on the inside and the outside. That’s how drug education is normally done. You may also have heard, that there can be psychological damages. But there are a lot of other things you ought to know before you decide how to do with the drugs.
Discuss: Why are drugs extra dangerous for a young person?
2. My Relations
A god friend is worth a lot. Someone you can talk with about everything. With that person you have good relations. That means that he or she accepts you as you are. You don’t have to put on an act or pretend to be someone you are not. If all relations where good, we should not have family arguments or bullying. There are a lot of reasons for bad relations. One of them would disappear, if people did not use mood-altering drugs.
Discuss: What would you do, if your friend started drinking?
3. The Community
Community means a place where a lot of people live together. What is the name of your community? A community can also be a much bigger place – like the country or a continent or maybe even the whole world. Every community needs rules and regulations to protect the people. Drugs are costing the community (the small as well as the big) a lot of money.
Discuss: Where does that money come from? Would the health service, the police and the prisons need less money, if there were no drugs?
4. The Environment
You probably already know, that cigarette buds aren’t good for the environment, but it is worse than you think. The tobacco growers are covering the tobacco plats in pesticides and they are polluting the soil that would otherwise be used to grow food on. Some species of animals are threatened by extinction because of the tobacco plantations and workers get sick, when they are harvesting the leaves. Not to mention alcohol- and illegal drug manufacturing …
Discuss: Why is it important to show consideration to the environment?
You are important – You are precious – You decide!
Have a wonderful life!